>>21305696>>21305255A voice would come from Nikki's phone after Araya is finished cutting her promo, one they would both recognize as Spirit's.
> Okay, so... you're a wrestler in your time, but that promo made you sound like Nikki's cousin when she came to collect her check.>I'll give you a bit of advice I gave to one of the previous Angels before she became one of us. >In this business, it's all about CONFIDENCE!>You should be extremely confident in yourself! You pretty much already know how this tournament went!>You know that the dojo hobo Mikeandike Hoestesscakes or however you pronounce her name hasn't won a match, and you know that isn't going to change here in the cup.>Especially not when she's standing across the ring from the FUTURE of the WWA!>Hmm, that's not a bad tagline for a shirt. Give me a sec to send that off.A few moments of relative silence from the long winded cheerleader occur, when only the sound of bleeps and bloops can be heard from Nikki's phone as Spirit uses it to ask the Divine Touch reps to come up with a shirt design for a black and purple t-shirt that says "The FUTURE of WWA: Araya T Ramirez" on it.
>Anyways, what was I saying? Oh, right...>Add in that her mentors and teachers are some washed up goon japan rejects who couldn't even beat my mom in her first and second ever matches.>Her chances of winning, well, they can't drastically go down from zero.>But luckily if you're having trouble cutting a promo, you're in the right place. If there's one thing us Angels can do, it's work the crowd and girls in the back into a frenzy with our words or truth.[1/2]