>>19880723It's over. Jade, on the outside of the ring, looks on as Priscilla celebrates inside of it. Jade is in shock. The match, perhaps the biggest one of her career, is over... and it's over by count-out. Jade looks at the ref, she looks at the timekeeper, she looks at the graphic on the tron behind the ring: 'Winner WWA World Champion Priscilla Divine' it says in big bold letters. The boos of the crowd can be heard, and then the announcer: 'THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH AAANNNNDDD STILLLL WWA WORLD CHAMPION.....' The noise fades out. Jade can't hear a thing... except her own thoughts.
>This isn't happening... I.I lost... I lost... and the final fall was a count-out.>This is... a disgrace... pathetic... a sick joke.>There is honor in losing, but there is no honor in losing like this.Jade feels cold.. she just lost the main event on the biggest stage Infront of all of the world to see. and she couldn't even lose with her head held high...
>no honor at all.........>...i am a disgrace...i am pathetic.....i am a joke..........