Quoted By:
Amy Flame awoke in her bed alone with the strangest feeling of being watched, pulling on a shirt and a pair of shorts she slipped out of bed and scanned all four corners of the room before noticing a man squatting on a particularly thick tree branch right outside her bedroom window. Crossing the room in an instant the redhead flung the window open ready to give the peeping tom a piece of her mind but before she could utter a word she observed that the man was wearing the uniform of a WWA referee.
"Good morning, lovely day isn't it?", the referee opened cheerfully.
>"Who are you and what the fuck are you doing peeping into my bedroom window?!"
"Ah, yes, I guess it does look rather suspicious, doesn't it? I'm a WWA official and my job is to document the WWA Super Duper Multiversal Championship title changes", the referee smiled warmly.
>"Bullshit! What title changes? Colby and I have been here alone all night."
Pulling a notepad out of his pocket the referee slips on a pair of spectacles and begins to read. "According to my notes there were XXX title changes during the night, the first occurred when the co-champions, that's Ms Flame and Ms Jefferson, retired to bed, you pulled the sheets up and over yourselves while both of your shoulders were flat, at this point the bedsheets became the WWA Super Duper Multiversal Championship..."
>"The bedsheets?! This is idiotic!"
The referee continued, "Shortly after a 'scuffle' broke out in which you Ms Flame ended up on top of Ms Jefferson who was on top of the bedsheets - at this point Ms Jefferson became champion. During the night you draped an arm across Ms Jefferson as you were both sleeping, that's another."
Feeling her cheeks turning scarlet Amy could barely think straight.
>"T...this is a violation of our privacy! You're a pervert!"
Removing his spectacles the referee looked unimpressed at the accusation, "Ms Flame I have a husband at home and the last place I wanted to be on my wedding anniversary is here."