>>18960528A year before the Blessed Mother of Jesus appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal an angel appeared to them on the hillside and taught them how to pray to God, kneeling, forehead to the floor or ground, beginning with, “My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love thee.”
When I began saying this prayer - telling God I loved him - what I heard back was, “Do you?”
When asked which commandments were most important, Jesus said, love God with all your heart mind and strength; love your neighbor as you love yourself; and repent and believe in the Gospel. Prayer is the way we come face to face with him, how we commune with God and daily prayer is one way to love him so. Anons know we can’t lie to ourselves. We can’t lie to God either. Practice your Christian faith anon. You will learn to answer your friends. Don’t be concerned by people like Ricky Gervais who use their God given talents to lead souls away from Jesus, God loves Gervais as much as the rest of us. And he gave him free will to choose: God or the devil; heaven or hell, that’s all there is.
Jesus Christ allowed this to show his love for us - pic related.
Seek His face anon. Grow and keep the faith.