You want to know something that's absolutely mind-blowing and insane at the same time but also true?
When you 151 IQ the motherfucking shit out of this physics engine, you arrive at the first 50 morals of the first 50 stories you find in the Christian Bible.
The people from 20, 15, 10, 5, and 2 thousand years ago had the volume of time they needed to close their eyes and make a pretty good guess as to what is going on.
I think the physics engine is having a baby, and we're it, we're not even alive, by cosmological standards, we're a tool, a machine shop, and by the time you're all done fucking around in another hundred million years, you're going to create another physics engine inside the physics engine, and when this gets to some activation, the original simulation is going to open like a pineapple cut in half, and then the backbone of your entire casuality is re-potted into a new cup.
The Universe is a living organism just like you are, and God isn't all powerful, it's just the DNA and procreation circuit of the laws of physics, and you emerging out of it to gain of function, you just need a representative from the lower to do an incursion, take the baby's vitals, and then the Universe reaches in through its own blackhole asshole, and pulls itself inside out.
Now you're God on the inside watching people pay to play inside simulations. Don't call it afterlife or a universe vagina proto universe sexytime studios procreation circuit. Call it the answer to what is going on and why you're a part of it.