>>8736422I believe:
Grey Alien= Demons aka spirits of dead Nephilim
Reptillian=Fallen Angels, like Satan, the fallen angel that appeared in Eden in form of a serpent (reptile) and later the dragon
Nordics/Tall whites/Pleiadians=angels/inner earthers
Remember that the UFO community claims Reptillians created the grays. In this case it would be the case too as the fallen angels mated with humans, creating the nephillim whose spirit traditionally are the Demons. Thus the reptillians created them by mating with humans.
Others i have no idea about
Interestingly ritual abuse, as well as demonic possessions, as well as ayy abductions, all feature sodomy
https://archive.li/pIC4M"Coincidently" around the area of the anus there is the rootchakra located. What is the purpose of this one?
http://www.chakras.info/root-chakra/>Security, safety>Survival>Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)>Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self>Grounding>Support and foundation for living our livesRemember how rapevictims often are left Traumatized their whole life? Same area.
They trap their victims in an endless feeling of being insecure and vulnarable to have them controllable by corrupting their Root Chakra, and do this by sodomizing them as well as other forms of torture. This seems to be specifically done in satanic brainwashings where the subjects also are forced to be fucked and get fucked by animals