>>10880340 >sOme peOPLE fIND IT diFFicULt to UNDErsTANd HOW we Can See THE WORLD prOPerlY wheN ThE iMAGE iS uPSIDe dowN. ThE riGHt WAY TO tHink ABOUt ThIs is TO adopt a COMPutatiOnAl pErspECTiVE. wE DO not pErceIVE wHAt is on tHE ReTiNa; INSteAd, A perCEPt Is FORmEd ThROuGh a COmPlEX CHain oF NeURal coMPUTAtIons. a cOntROL CoMPUTEr dOes nOt cArE WHICh Way is UP, and INVERSiOn Of tHe Image iS the leaSt of ThE brAin'S coMPuTatIONaL probLeMs.