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well, new to 4 chan but have shit on my mind.
>be me, 17
>find cute gf
>shes really nervous at first but comes around
>they like some of the same stuff as me, the same kind of humor, and they're overall an amazing person.
>find out that they had been struggling with depression and were considering suicide before I met them.
>spend time with them, tell them how much they are worth, work through their pain with them.
fast forward a year
>I graduate, and start work and college
>we have a few things we worked out, but overall we were good
>found out that they were a furry. was a bit disheartened at first but accepted it because I do historical re-enactment and I saw the similarities.
>appreciate their hobby, but dont fall into it as I wasnt interested in it.
>fast forward, they graduate and move into town where thier grandma lived so they could work
>they find out that their is a meet up for furries in a bowling alley, and begs me to go
>i reluctantly accept, only on the terms that I could wear my armor
>wasnt a bad time, a lot of nice people, but kept my distance form others
>fast forward another year,2 and a years in our relationship.
>she meets 2 new friends at the gathering, both are guys but one was gay and the other was ace
>*emphasis on was*
>they start talking to them, and they quickly become friends.
>im happy for them
>fast forward to this feb.
>they get covid, along with the gay friend and their best friend
>have to isolate from them
>while isolating, their ace friend comes over becasue he was in contact
>not worried, but wondering why
>we meet again in two weeks. Im very happy to see them