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Feel bad for saying this considering the owner was an OG who kept this place in bussiness by sheer grit alone - not to mention he had a genuinely B E A U T I F U L collection of machines and tools, but the Uranium was the last fucking straw.
Knew way too many people who died in their 40s working there, and I'd come home smelling like chinese factory and feeling like utter shit even on "good" days,
Place was straight up like something out of oliver twist. Call me a pussy but I aint stupid either. $15/hr aint worth ruining your health from the inside out.
>pic related
In addition it was right next to the SLAPS super fund site. After doing some digging finaly figured out some darrrrk secrets, damn near conspiracy tier but as far as the owner was concerned it was simply ignorance since powers much higher than him were taking advantage of him, and he in turn did provide genuinely fair wages and looked past any and all legal troubles.
Just a man out of time, and not nescesarily wise to the world of finance so it was always an uphill battle. Anyway if you think the outside looks run down HO BOY. Fucking Bedlum inside.