>>3325641>>3325651>>3325682He hasn't actually been around since November IIRC, at least not on the discord channels (PixelCanvas, 4CC.) He's also not in contact with most bakas on /bant/ anymore: the amount of us on the old PixelCanvas discord versus stray cirnoes means that most are operating independantly with little direct contact. I don't bump threads becaused I'm ordered to, but because I feel this strange compusion to see just how long we can keep these threads going. It's a bit like cultivating bonsai in a way, having a few ancient threads still running as an island of last month versus all the threads that aren't even 8 hours old.
I also reported Kiwi for spamming the hotpockets/flag/cirno threads. Sorry friend, but rules are rules, and your stunt is probably what attracted the Canadian who started accelerating the board.
Speaking of which, I'm glad that KoG ISN'T among the lost, even if the mods are making his work extra risky. Spotted him poking around in the iichan thread. I'm surprised he didn't know the site existed sooner!