>>9315960>88 KB GIF Anonymous (ID: aqfU2Isk) 12/31/19(Tue)05:02:31 No.9315960>>9315963 >>9315966 >>9315969 >>9316070 >>9316144 >>9316186 >>9316393 >>9316405 >>9316573I'm gonna do it, /bant/!>Tonight I'm going to talk to the girl I like!>>9316240>Anonymous (ID: kkaTxLrW) 12/31/19(Tue)07:16:03 No.9316240>>9316261sagiri 2.png (245 KB, 608x573)File: sagiri 2.png (245 KB, 608x573) google yandex iqdb wait245 KB PNG>>9315963>>>9315969>>>9316070>Thanks anons>>>9315965>I will!>>>9315966>>>9316144>>>9316186>Truth be told, I mostly interact with her through social media. It's not like I haven't spoken with her before, but it's been a couple years since I last did. So whatever I tell her, it'll not be on person>In fact, she's probably the only reason why I even use normiegram at all>>>9316068>>>9316154>I was afraid that any sort of rejection would completely destroy whatever little self esteem I have left, but then I decided that I'd never get better if I don't do something to get out of my shell>>9316379>Anonymous (ID: WFDXL2PD) >12/31/19(Tue)09:21:48 No.9316379 Anonymous (ID: WFDXL2PD) 12/31/19(Tue)08:21:48 No.9316379>>9316402sagiri 5.jpg (58 KB, 646x540)File: sagiri 5.jpg (58 KB, 646x540) google yandex iqdb wait58 KB JPG>>9316261>That's too fast!>I don't want to begin with the romantic shit just yet. At least I'd like to get to know her more first>>9317389>Anonymous (ID: WSE4TzKN) 12/31/19(Tue)14:05:26 No.9317389kaos 7.jpg (240 KB, 800x602)File: kaos 7.jpg (240 KB, 800x602) google yandex iqdb wait240 KB JPG>>9316393>Come out... how?>>>9316402>I'll try that>>>9316405>She didn't! Kaos is civilized>>>9316573>Depends on where. But yeah, I'm whiteDo not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.