>>20330380Jesus the Christ was from Galilee. The Romans AND Greeks called Galilee, Gaulanitis
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaulanitis (look with your OWN eyes)
Israel was taken into captivity by Assyria in 744BC FACT
The Scythians first appeared in the historical record in the 8th century BC. FACT
Read Herodotus The Histories if you don't believe me.
The Israelites left Captivity in Assyria in 722 BC. The exact same time as the timeline of Herodotus. FACT
Earlier than this, Scythians came from the Black Sea and
settled in Northern Israel next to Phoenicia whom they named "Beit She'an", a Hebrew name. FACT
The Greeks called Northern Israel SCYTHOPOLIS.
Scythians are today's Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Nordic and Germanic peoples of the world. FACT
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythopolishttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beit_She%27an#Hellenistic_periodJesus was from Galilee. His mother was born there in Sepphoris.
Galilee is derived from Galil ha-Goyim; literally means Celtic (Galil) Gentiles (ha-Goyim) or heathen land, because that was the region no Jews lived.
We know that the Galileans were Israelites. We know that Jesus was considered a Galilean. We know the Romans called the Celts the “Gali” at this time
and used it as a prefix for all Celts since they were called Galatians in Asia Minor, Galicians in Spain, Gauls in Europe and Gaels in Ireland.
The Roman name of France was Gallia. It would therefore be logical to conclude that the Galileans in Palestine must have also been Celts.
They were only separated from Celtic Galatia by 212 Miles! The Distance from Jesus' home in Galilee to Jerusalem is 79 miles!
Thus is not unreasonable since according to Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he clearly believed these Celts to be Israelites and his kinsmen.
GAUL-lantis.Gali-lee Get it ?