>>19385468>>19385471>>19385473>>19385474Ava holds her newly-acquired belt and watches as Pizza Girl begins her promo when suddenly the lights go out. In the darkness the sound of repeated brutal weapons shots can be heard, and when the lights come back on, Pizza Girl is lying battered in the middle of the ring, with her sister Burnt Pizza Girl standing over her with a sickening smile on her face
Ava watches in shock as Burnt Pizza Girl leaves the ring while a group of paramedics rush to attend to her fallen opponent. After a few moments of staring in disbelief, Ava picks up the microphone Pizza Girl dropped and speaks
>Oh my God, Pizza Girl>I can't believe vat just happened>You fought so hard in our match, and now dis...>I don't give praise to my opponents too often, but even I have to admit you put in an incredible effort against me>I can tell by your matches dat you really cared about defending dis belt>And now, after all dat, to have dis happen>Vat your sister just did>It's horrible>De vay she just came in here and... and...