Christianity is real, and Jesus is the only way to salvation.
Dumitru Duduman survived years of brutal oppression, torture and beatings from the Romanian Communist regime.
None of the violence and opposition he faced could stop him, however, because God himself was guiding him.
God miraculously saved him out of the troubles again and again. Hallelujah.
Dumitru Duduman - Profetie pentru America Hand of Help Ministry was founded by Dumitru Duduman in 1986 in a small apartment in Fullerton California. Brother Duduman was a Romanian pastor who worked many years with Brother Andrew's ministry smuggling bibles into Romania and Russia before being exiled to America. Brother Duduman and his family, out of obedience to the Lord, eventually returned to their homeland and with the help of American supporters have raised up an effective ministry which continues the work to care for God's people in Romania.
Perry Stone - The Absolute Truth of the Gospel Against a Pagan World Best Videos of Encounter with Jesus, Angels, Healing, Heaven and Hell (Sid Roth with 12 people) (1 hour+) Sid Roth Compilation #2 Best Videos of Encounter with Jesus, Holy Spirit and Healing, Heaven, End Times