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Lol I'm asian so my parents would be suprised but wouldn't really care. I have a racemixing fetish since i love 'exoticness' in girls, and have hooked up with black girls before. i grew up with jamaican friends though and 100% she would he chirped hard. just her features are pretty unique and she looks like an african girl with the exact same skin tone I knew at my work engaged to a well-groomed asian dude working as a banker. both are yuppie as fuck living in downtown toronto.
desu i like seeing unusual mixes and its pretty natural that a portion of the population are attracted to people who look different. its why brown eyes are attractive when everyone is blue-eyed and vice-versa. but hate how its pretty much associated with mentally ill cuckolds, or with people who use race to project their insecurities instead of just being a regular person who has sex with another person because they are like a rare pokemon. pic related is something I can approve.