>>7942351I cringe at everything emotional in TV/movies. Anime especially with it's over melodramatic gay shit. I pretty much root for the bad guy every single time because I'm so sick of all the wishy washy faggy do goody monologues etc. I'm a pretty nice got in person but if you put any Hollywood/anime in front of me I will shit on your mother's grave and then dig get out and shove it down her dead rotten mouth while I masturbate furiously. I probably would get hard but I don't care. All of this over emotional garbage that spews out of Hollywood/ anime and even faggy YouTube personalities make me want to commit horrendous acts on the human species.
Pic is of a trap I find very attractive. There's no reason to post it but then again THERE'S NO REASON TO MAKE EVERY TV/MOVIE OVER EMOTIONAL EITHER!!!!