>>11382145Come on, I didn't even post the fatty yet.
Now I have!
>>11382158Really? I think she's one of the ones who tells the truth so I don't know what to say. Well, doesn't really matter at the end of the day.
>the pose for pushups, arms stretchedOh, I didn't know you could do that. Tomorrow I'm resting but I'll try it the day after and post my results. Thing is, I don't know what to do to develop even bigger muscles. Have I hit my body's limit? I never took any supplements so maybe that's why.
>afroamerica is just a nickname for a certain specific country in mesoamerica now mostly populsted by the negro populationYou sure love being vague sometimes, especially when you're not exposing anything. Was it a sort of experiment? As in the treatment, was it something new?
>I am fond of beef strips in my wokI believe I mentioned this before, but the Chinese can make some excellent beef strips, but with sweet chili. Though I like chipotle myself. I never tasted mango sauce.
>shizophrenia waits around every cornerI doubt the average person is in danger of turning schizophrenic. What do you mean by the word, though? I see it used in all sorts of contexts over here.
>what's the opposite of bondage? you being bondaged?That and any sort of situations in which the other is the dominant one. Though it applies to many other things as well, I loathe authority and I used to go out of my way to disobey my teachers. The one I had feelings for didn't seem to mind it though.
>you were 5, that's hardly a ladyYou misread my post, I was talking about two separate things which happened in kindergarten. There was the girl I played with and then there was one of the women who worked there who let me tie her hands. She was in her thirties I think.
Though I have to say, I still didn't understand much of the rest of the post...
>I doubt you had sleep paralysis
So do I, the only things they had in common were the suffocation and the chest pain.