>>6008124Script is semi-automated. It can't solve captchas, but it can keep an arbitrary amount of threads replied to whenever I like and it also stretches captchas so a single solve is good for 7-8 replies; just need to press a button and each specified thread gets a reply to either the OP or a random response in the thread.
What makes it special is that it swaps IPs and allows me to reply at sanic speed, ignoring post timeout so I can reply as fast as I can solve captchas if I wanted to do that, but in practice I only change IPs to evade a timeout from the mods because /bant/'s reply time is short enough as-is. It must have been made for a slower board like /v/ where you wait a minute to reply, but it's still pretty useful to keep my cover.
Entire thing is written in python and just a couple keystrokes. The biggest pain in the ass is setting the threads to keep alive up, as well as making sure the constant proxy use doesn't kill my connection.
One thing it can do that I haven't used much is flood the board, but I've found that anything I post gets taken down by some butthurt janitor in short order, while replying to existing threads means I can keep them alive for as long as I'm sitting down. If I had a proxy-solving service I could automate it 100% and keep the threads alive for until they hit a bump limit.