>>19685457The crowd gasps as Arleen abruptly grabs the microphone and pushes the announcer away. “Nah, nah, nah bruv! Like, I ain’t even know much of that ching chong gibberish you’re on, blud, but don’t call me ‘Arleen’. Nah senpai, fuck that old lady sounding name. Me mums was tripping when she gave me that shit, bruv. Call me ArKade!”
ArKade slams the mic down against the mat and spreads her arms, striking a cocky pose for the crowd, who boo her. She responds by flipping them off and screaming the few Japanese expletives she managed to learn toward them. Then the bell rings and she turns, immediately eating a big boot directly to the face from her sister.
Arkade tumbles to the mat, and Lexi doesn’t hesitate to grab her, swiftly deadlifting her into position for a powerbomb.
“W-wait, wait senpai!” ArKade protests. “I wasn’t ready! It’s not fai-ACK!”
The breath leaves ArKade’s body as she’s brutally powerbombed to the mat. Lexi holds her down for the pin, but she kicks out at one, only for Lexi to immediately powerbomb her again, and then again, before attempting another pin. “Stay down this time,” Lexi whispers. “Or I might have to actually hurt you.”
This time ArKade gets her shoulder off the mat at two, raking her sister across the eyes as she gets out of the pin, before going on the attack against her temporarily blinded foe.