but i made a system which doesn't hurt anyone, linear consciousness can proceed and they don't necessary even have to perceive the errors in the system. which is devestating for human consciousness, since the demons like jacob rothschild knows about this and all the other satanics are following this principle to keep everyone out of the higher dimensional laws intelligences. the connection to the higher dimensional laws were for thousands of years too weak for people to actively perceive and persuade. they start to now. this dimension is very forgiving, pleasant, a bit restricted and unrestrained for higher developed consciousnesses. it's a good mix and probably one of the best cosmic/universe/dimensional architecture you will able to perceive, which makes living in this dimension the most favorable options. i remember there are better ones, or maybe pocket dimensions, better for us, where women where and kept the demons away. i guess it's our sexual dimensions we will create. and i become horny and aroused to ava max. i'm annoyed.