P0litical ramifications of using AI to stop the j3wish p0rn poison from reaching your eyes:
https://github.com/nsfw-filter/nsfw-filterits not perfect, you can set the filter strength yourself and try it out but it'll get better and it already works pretty good as you can see in picrel
from what i see its only for chrome:
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nsfw-filter/kmgagnlkckiamnenbpigfaljmanlbbhhthere is also a similar extension apparently for firefox but i didnt test it:
Wingman Jr. Filter
>Filter out potentially NSFW, pornographic, and unsafe images (and even some video) for kids by using AI running directly in your browser. Optional DNS-based blocking via Cloudflare's for Families.https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/wingman-jr-filter/Fuck nwords
Fuck the long n0sed tribe
and fuck j4nn135