>>18842327This is Heroines of Wrestling 98 and we’re here live in the alley behind the liquor store at the corner of Rigatoni Street and Broadway with Shauna “The Iguana” Smith!
>Let me tell you somethin’ sister, when yer in tha alley behind the liquor store there’s jes’ one thing you wanna do. You wanna play dice>You wanna play dice with me, huh? You wanna shoot some craps? >No you don’t, cuz jes’ like me these dice is loaded >D6? Yeah, I got summa those >D20? I got summa those too>D100? I got a whole dam bag o’ those>Sister, you play dice with me an’ yer gonna be rollin’ snake eyes every time.. or worse, lizard eyes >You wanna know why? >You wanna? The camera pans down to a clearly dead iguana in a plastic trash bag.
>Wot’s that, huh?>Wot’s that? My friends, we’ll be right back with Becky the Ōzeki and Queen Ghidorah Nilsen!