Right so the Third type Is Christian Identity, British/German and Scandinavian Isrealism
They believe basically that all the races were created in the beginning of Genesis and around 3000 BC God came down and took a White man and put the spirit of God in him. They believe this line of men became Isreal and after the dispersion of Israel in 750BC they all went north to Greece, Turkey and Europe. They believe that all of them forgot who they are and that Jesus came ONLY to wake them up to who they were.
They believe that Eve had sex with a fallen angel and that made a hybrid race of men called Kennites. They came through the line of Cain. They were thrown out of the Garden (Adam and Eve), or lost their immortality because of this. They believe that their son Seth is the line of which all Anglo Saxons and their kin was carried through and there has been a war between them and the Canaanites/Edomites/Jews ever since.
So there ya go. Hopefully that will help you on your journey. God will lead you to the right path.