>>109181Oh, we have many americans living here! Often even with american wives.
All of them are of the opinion that
>We should have joined you guys against the Communists after the Summer of 1944It's a taboo in the USA i noticed, but there is a reason why the Americans started to be über-friendly to former Waffen-SS, Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe etc. Veterans and in Western Germany allowed these Vets to join the Bundeswehr.
>pic related: A book that is part of the US Rangers and Marines libraryThis book is written by a german 6. SS-Division "Nord" veteran together with a couple of US Veterans who faced him in January 1945 and his guys.
Also co-authored by US Brigadier General Mataxis
It's a great book, though very heavy on tactics and strategies, which is why it's part of US military libraries.
However, it's one of the few books where both US Vets, US post-war military and Brigadier General Mataxis admit openly that the Waffen-SS divisions (not all) were superior and their experiences, fear etc. during the battles.
Usually you have an american vet's grandson write a book about his grandpas experiences in which the Waffen-SS is retarded and the US out-witted them everytime.
Books like this one is more accurate and also contains many instances were the Waffen-SS vets applaud the US veterans and admit when they have been outwitted by the Americans.
>https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XVDQ8T0/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1If you're not a poorfag and like some neutral memoir writtten by both veterans on intense winter warfare in Alsace-Lorraine, buy it. The money still goes to 50% to the Waffen-SS Veteran organisations, which get zero money or help from the german Gov.