>>19742606Because most men are fucking boring anon. Especially conservative white men and Asians.
>Try to organise some cool shit to do>"mehh that sounds expensive, will there be girls there? I can't go I have to make myself available for this girl I'm trying to get with" etc etc>Meanwhile the men that actually want to do fun shit are usually liberal hippy typesLoads of the guys I've known over the years only go out with the intention of meeting chicks, and it sucks the fun out of everything. I joined a social meetup group recently to try and break out of the boring crowd I grew up with and it's full of more dull, poor men that spend all their disposable income on dumb shit that no one else cares about like cars etc, and they creep on any girls that want join in the events.
Oh and they hold each other back - I work remotely and converted a van for wild camping - planning a Euro trip this year. Guess what - girls fucking LOVE the idea and want to go with me. Any guy I mention my trip to always come out with negative shit like "oh that's a lot of driving", "gonna cost a lot in fuel", "I prefer to travel in comfort" (yeah because your shitty package holiday in a 3 star hotel with screaming kids is comfort). Boring fucking cunts.