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This sentiment is the foundation of what this century is going to be about: it's going to be about gamers and gaming.
There are fantastic games out there today that challenge gamers to new heights; there are engaging universes that lure people in. People at Cons build cosplay costumes that are often professional-level quality.
Men and women / boys and girls, are finding their place in gaming universes to explore the furthest reaches of their souls [and it's only going to become much much better] (And for that special segment of people who believe they need to be an asshole to a gamer because she happens to be a girl: may your internet connection never be faster than 9800 baud!)
We are going to have careers in games, lives in games, we're going to build worlds and universes and amaze our fellow gamers with our inventions.
We are going to reach out and meet people from all over the world and learn that cooperation, in the end, truly is the only thing that matters, and games will help us get to that mindset faster.
This century is for the gamers.