>>19769260Galatians 3:28 is referring to both the Israelites who still lived in Judea (and kept the Law) and the divorced-from-God Israelites living in the dispersion, such as in Greece for example. It's all about the Israelites, and Paul is saying here that the messiah's actions were for ALL Israelites (and this has nothing to do with "Jews", as we use that word today). Paul knows that the white Israelites in Judea don't really accept the white Israelites in, say, Greece (for example), since those dispersed (and divorced-from-God) Israelites no longer know who they are, or who their God is, and they no longer keep the Law — For instance, they did not circumcise their children, etc.
The divorce is what is referenced in Jeremiah 3:8 btw (pic related).
And as for heaven being "portray[ed as] a place of perfect love and acceptance", this is really more of a modern fairy-tale version of it, not supported by scripture. Heaven is basically the realm where all the inhabitants do the will of God. I would also note that Satan was immediately ejected from heaven when his intentions were found not to be in alignment with God's, and so, no, heaven is certainly not a place of perfect acceptance.
Lastly, I will note that Jesus says the first thing he will do when he returns is separate the races. Matthew 25:32 (sheep nations and goat nations):
>And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats (KJV)^ Note that the verse clearly says "nations", and that the Greek word from which this translation comes is ἔθνος , i.e. "ethnos", which literally means ethnic group.
None of this is about hating anyone, any more than recognizing the general correctness of male leadership over females would be inherently hateful — It's merely about acknowledging that God has established a proper order.