On sin and how its existence can be unified with a wholly good God
God is wholly good on the premise of being perfect alone as evil is imperfection. To sin, and thus do evil, is to miss our purpose.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sin>Sin has many classifications and degrees, but the principal classification is that of "missing the mark" (cheit in Hebrew).[the mark we should aim for being perfection that is lawfulness in completion.
even the greek word translated as sin plays into this
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamartia>The term hamartia derives from the Greek ἁμαρτία, from ἁμαρτάνειν hamartánein, which means "to miss the mark" or "to err"Our pupose being perfection. So doing evil is doing something wrong, being imperfect meaning a perfect being, like God inadvertedly is, is wholly good.
Now why did he give the possibility to do evil/wrong? Its simple, free will. And free will requires the ability to choose, and if you cant choose wrong you dont choose at all. As such for free will to exist so does the possibility of evil needs to exist (not evil itself mind you).
Or to say it differently, to do good free will is required, as without the choice to do evil, and resisting it for the sake of good, doing the good thing would just be following a programming, and thus can hardly be called good when you didnt have another chance.
So to give us a chance at true goodness he gave us free will, and this free will requires the chance to do evil, and now we are in the time where evil is tolerated for us to realize it leads to ruin and be rebuked by us. Making us learn that Gods law is just and good by showing us where lawlesness leads to eve
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