Quoted By:
>be me, 18, last spring
>lived with aunt and uncle for 9 years now, this is important later
>started hanging out with cool kids senior year
>mfw I fit in with them better than the weird kids
>mfw I get social skills
>start smoking weed again, go out with my nigga, I’ll call him Ron, all the time to smoke
>for Ronaldo not Ronald cause he’s a beaner
>get job on my own for first time bc hanging out with cool ppl gives me confidence
>don’t believe everything y’all read
>anyways job is at shitty IHOP, work there with Ron and beta fuckboi friend, call him Ese
>Ron and Ese work day shift, I’m on the night shift
>sad bc no toking before nerve-wracking Sunday night waiter job
>Ron hits me up, says he’s mad at Ese and left work early
>”still need a ride bro? We can go half on a g”
>get picked up, swing by shitty apartments for our gram
>Ron asks if I want to match with these two weird chicks
>matched with em before, they always bring way more weed than us so fuck it
>they get in the car, brought 3 grams sure enough
>we roll everything we have: 2 blunts and a 2 gram backwood
>girls start talking, then say,
>”Where we gonna smoke Ron?”
>Ron and I exchange looks
>”uhh... the car like always”
>dumb bitches insist we smoke at abandoned mini golf course
>”we smoke there all the time it’s cool!”
>whatever, already zooted at this point (Ron had a pen so we were hittin it b4 we got to the plug’s apartment) so we go along with it
>walk across field to course, find hulk and sit on it
>Ron lights the wood and passes it, has blunt in his hand
>passes it to one of the weird chicks bc they bought it
>Ron briefly looks behind him, pic related it’s his expression
>look behind me, expecting to see some old ass mosey white dude, but it’s big ass bald cop comin up the hill
>consider running but even with new confidence I’m too much of a beta fag