>>10309809>This place sucks.i disagree. im not the most beautiful,rich,happy fucker in this world but i can say its pretty great.The ones who say it sucks are all the slaves,peasants,victims of war,etc
>While here we long for escape from the sufferings of physical life and to return to source.Oh, absolutely
not.Im very entertained, im good, i want to live 1000(if not forever) more years if possible.Dont really want to visit the allspark and come back.
>>10309810Here is were you are wrong.A meme flag does the ''1 post by this ID'' threads, he does not bother with replying and has way better grammar than mine and a more catchy statement or question, topped with a pic of a curvy female
>>10309811Peacefully unite?Sure i mean all people are the same so love your aboriginal,somali,gay neighbor , like
>>10309812 said, a glitch in the incarnation process.Dont be mean againt that mixed couple, bring him to the allspark
>>10309812So we should leave them alone ?suppress them ?hang them to kick start the right course again ?After all they are just poor souls trapped in the wrong body, did the Wiemar doctors do a good thing changing their sex ?Or Stalin by killing the.
>>10309813cant help, sorry
>>10309815Yea , sounds like a herding scheme.They will schedule some program to only let the people they want,keep us separated.
>second waveThere is already talk that the corona in winter will be more harsh