>>3885035>’Happy Day’ was at one point, original>Leaf girl, Aussie girl, “blow it out your ass” were all at one point original>Threads taking about/bantering about the dumb cultural shit other countries did was at one point an actual thingCreative content gets a lot less creative when you run it into the ground, every day, for months on end.
No new content is being created.
People aren’t making posts to ask about other countries, make fun of cultures, troll/create original shitposting anymore.
You’re just content with running the same shit into the ground, over and over, and trying to pass off any criticism about it as “Another the board is shit meme xD”
If you’re OK with the absolutely cancerous, repetitive state that the board is in you feel free to keep enjoying yourself.
>>>3885043>t.triggered_weeb_homosexualAgain, nobody should give two flying fucks about whether or not I leave this garbage can - you should be more concerned about the state of this board, or your mental health if you unironically think the same 5 posts every day is entertaining.