>>20510526>But that can be 30 seconds before they dieIt can be, but the odds of that are pathetically tiny. Evil people bank on "I'll just repent right before I die" and then they get their head smashed in from a freak car accident and fall straight into Hell. Death can come at any time, and you won't always have the luxury of being able to meditate on your past, and have a dialogue with God about how you regret your sins.
Not only that, but a person who has no relationship with God (a worthless reprobate, in other words) and who is not used to praying, will not likely find it easy to turn their mind towards Jesus Christ in a moment of stress, fear, and pain. They'll be too overwhelmed with worldly sensations and thoughts for it to even occur to them to suddenly get all spiritual.
When I came to Jesus, it took me over a week to repent for just a handful of sins. Sitting down, really thinking about the life I led, all the bad shit I've done, recalling memories that I haven't touched on for decades, and sincerely apologizing and promising to not do it again. The older you are, the longer it takes, because there's just that much more to go through. You cannot do all that in a single instant. It takes time and dedication.
Also, Jesus Christ doesn't judge you; you judge yourself. Evil people fall into Hell by default, automatically. It's up to you to ASK Jesus to please grab your hand and pull you out.