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You'll find that it's rarely possible to truly reason with most people regardless of their political affilitation (most conservatives are still basically softcore leftists at the end of the day) because of how deeply their emotions are entangled with their beliefs, hince why appeals to emotion are so effective.
90% of people are lemmings, and most if not all of those people are borderline automation with no true conviction about anything, no inner drive for knowledge, no morality outside of what is prescribed by the perceived social group, who can't comprehend any kind of task beyond eating, sleeping, shitting, working, and fucking. Essentially baboons.
If tomorrow some secretive group took over the world and decided to subtly spread around Jews Bad 'propaganda' for a few years , the lemmings would all become fellow rabid anti-Semites to the degree that Hitler himself would shed a tear, although they're really just following the leader.
The only people that really matter in this world whatsoever is that 10% left over, the oppressors and the revolutionaries controlling the drooling masses to their own ends, for better or for worse, with the geniuses and philosophers pushing forward progress in social and technological fields.
You want to pitch a good argument to a normie?
Just force them to listen for long enough and they'll agree with you eventually.