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kek some of you faggots are actually this socially retarded. They laugh and joke around each other, just not around you or most white people.
And, as most of us know, the races vary with regard to "relational styles". niggers are at one end of the spectrum for qualities and asians are on the other. From least to most emotionally expressive it's asian to white to negro. That's emotional expressiveness, not emotion itself. /pol/ would not deny that a nigger's chimpout threshold his much, much lower than that of a wh*toid. It's the same with asians. It takes more to get an asian to the point of chimping out, they don't talk super loud and act disruptive in public like niggers, etc.
Or self-promotion (inverse of humility), a trait commonly associated with aggressive niggatry
Again, Asians are the most humble, and niggers and wh*toids are at the other end of the spectrum.
Wh*toids and niggers lack subtlety.
Asian communication is also much less direct. Much more is implied than is said. What you see as awkwardness is the fact that you're not picking up on their heightened sense of social cues. If they are not responding positively to you, you are probably being retarded in their eyes. They don't understand why you are acting like a nigger, and don't wish to engage you, the same way you wouldn't want to engage a nigger who walked up to you and started
>muhfugga bix noood n shieeeet
White people are to asians as niggers are to white people.
Discover financial services even has an internal guide for their sales department that got leaked showing exactly this.