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Chad sits in the corner of the room on his phone. Girls think he's mysterious. You do the same and they call the police. Face it. "body language" and "confidence" is just another way of saying GOOD LOOKING. FUCKING LMAO.
Here's a REAL redpill: while you spend your youth reading books about "stoicism", studying hard at college and gymcelling, CHAD spends his LITERALLY BANGING YOUR ONEITIS.
Easily the most absurd lie of /r/TheRedPill and other "manosphere" (fucking lmao) forums is how they've convinced themselves that men somehow peak in their 30s or 40s. LMFAO. Men, like women, peak at the age when they LOOK THE BEST, around 18 for BOTH GENDERS. THAT is the age when they have the perfect balance of hormone levels proportional to YOUTH. Take it from someone who knows, your delusions are BULLSHIT. LIFE DOES NOT GET BETTER IF YOU "WORK HARD", LMFAO.
SURE, when you're in your 30s women MAY seek you to fulfill a BETA PROVIDER ROLE, but that's because they KNOW YOU HAVE NO OTHER OPTIONS. Even at that age they STILL lust for Chad's RAW, VIRILE POWER. And believe me, with Tinder and the other apps these days? Even MIDDLE AGED HAGS can get their fix of low inhibition, good looking 19 year old bad boys. NO AMOUNT OF WORK WILL GIVE YOU HEIGHT, FACE, OR FRAME.