Quoted By:
ITT we post about things we are doing to better ourselves. Bonus points for posting about things done only today.
>What's the point?
Whatever you believe in, whatever your political stance, you can make it look better through self improvement. Example: most SJWs believe us (the people who post on 4chan) to be nasty, weak, awkward virgins. By doing this they ofc exploit actual insecurities that exist, but shouldn't. Even the most beta male of virgins can become an alpha chad. Thus, the self improvement general thread is born.
>What does this have to do with politics?
Nothing and everything all at once. On one hand, improving the self is individualistic, but on the other hand by improving yourself you may then improve society. At the very least you become a better human being, which has the effect of making whatever you say seem more valid.
>I don't have the time for this
Yes you do. If you're living like a basement troll (I know because I often devolve to that level) then /SIG/ is your way out. Try to improve yourself by taking an hour out of gaming or anime.
/SIG/ tier hygiene:
>Take a shower and shave or trim/form your beard. You will appear more attractive
>Do your laundry and improve hygiene in general
>Brush your teeth (bonus points for floss) and wash them out with Listerine. Ask someone if your breath smells. Having good breath is key to getting laid.
>Go to the gym and lifted if you haven't done so 3+ more times this week already. A powerful dominant alpha physique not only gets you laid but wins you fights and allows you to do all sorts of other shit as well. Gyms are often 24 hrs and less than 20 dollars per month.
/SIG/ tier mental maintenance:
>Read a book. You don't have to finish it but you should start it. Books increase intelligence.
>Get a job. Everyone should have a job in this society.
>Get a hobby where you have to use tools
>Go outside and have some fresh air.
Keep in mind results come with time and determination. People will notice.