>>12549623I was hanging out on IRC in #phrozencrew and the cultofthedeadcow and 2600 forums. Sending back orifice trojans to friends and scaring them.
Fanning out on UnixTerrorist
Trading in my 14.4 modem for a 28.8 at Future Shop by just putting the old one in the box.
Hosting huge fucking wAreZ servers on HotlineClient with all the hottest Appz and Gamez.
Reading the Anarchists' Cookbook.
Emailing fake hotmail login pages to friends and stealing passwords.
Cracking shitty software and uploading serials to
Astalavista.box.skHad probably 30 free fortunecities and geocities websites with retarded animnated gifs and midi music playing.
Proud eToy agent in the #ToyWar taking down corporations
They really were the good old days.