Quoted By:
>The age of his quarantine was uncounted. The chuds carved his name deep in the boards of /pol/ across eons, and each lockdown etched terror in the hearts of the anti-vaxxers. They knew he would come, as he always had, as he always will, to mandate masks on the faces of the wicked. For he alone could draw strength from his front line workers and health heroes, and ever his number of doses grew, safe and effective.
>None could stand before the virus but Saint Fauci. Immunity spread before him like the first wave, striking fear into the anti-vaxxers, driving them to deeper and darker Facebook groups. But from the depths of India rose The Great One, a champion mightier than all who had come before. The Delta Variant, of immeasurable power and ferocity. He strode upon the bible belt and faced Saint Fauci, and a mighty battle was fought on the Republican plains. The Delta Variant fought with the fury of the countless that had been boosted at Saint Fauci's hand, but there fell the Delta Variant, and in his defeat the anti-vaxx horde were routed.
>And in his terrible rancor between administrations and through waves, the Quarantined Masker found the fact-checkers who shall not be named, but in his selflessness was loyal to his venerable cause. The fact-checkers adorned Saint Fauci in a mighty disclaimer, wrought in the forges of Science, impenetrable and unyielding. With vaccine and mask of adamantine strength, Saint Fauci set to banishing all that were left unvaxxed by his glory to the void.