>>16503895jews WERE the chosen people. the massiah came and was a jew. they got to have god amonst their people. the prophacy was fulfilled in christ's birth. in his ministry jesus spoke at great lengths about gathering the "tribes" (everyone in the world) and lots of parables about finding missing sheep etc. in acts it becomes clear to the apostles that god intends to bring everyone under his wings (acts 10, pigs in a blanket vision. hebrews 12, god-the-father doctrine). sharing the story of christ was the very first issue that divided the apostles and ultimately paul convinces peter that when jesus says "all the nations" he means ALL the nations. not everything in the bible is quite so explicit so we rely on the desert fathers of the first few centuries who sat around and did nothing but think about what happened in christ's ministry. most of christian doctrine was hashed out in those first few centuries and then 500AD or so some turks decided they wanted to call themselves jewish and say they were dissenters of christ the messiah all along. (they weren't, everyone converted because there was too much evidence that jesus was the messiah and he fulfilled all of the prophecies.) jews today are lied to as kids into thinking their roots trace back to ancient isrealite times.