For example, skilled alternative/functional medicine doctors have found hundreds of potential root causes for depression, such as b12 deficiency, chronic mold exposure, TBI, omega 3 deficiency, chronic mercury exposure, gut dysbiosis, etc ( Yet these stupid bastard, robotic, indoctrinated doctors and psychiatrists give you pills that NEVER cure the root cause, damage your microbiome, damage your mitochondria, damage your brain and set you up for much higher chances of having more diseases in the future. The alternative medicine experts have long been warning that our gut health is deteriorating thanks to medication, pesticides, herbicides, and all sorts of other shit. And the science the past 10 years has been building up a solid case that gut health has been inexorably linked to brain health. They've also been warning of nutrient and mineral deficiency becoming commonplace, as well as way too many toxins... we have hundreds of toxins flowing through us (260 reported in average pregnant womens placenta with 210 of them being neurotoxic). And you wonder why generations keep getting dumber and having more brain problems? Those neurotoxins in utero, as well as the mothers damaged gut bacteria are a huge root cause for many mental problems in children.