live red blood cells found in the Horn of a dinosaur meaning that it was alive less than 2,000 years ago.
oceanic trench and Continental Beach heads prove the movement of pangea to modern configuration because of the flood.
272 civilizations out of account of the flood that were not influenced by the Bible (haven't heard of it)
sea life and sediments on all mountain tops of the world which would require a minimum of 100 feet of water above.
ice Age was literally caused by the flood.
if you believe in a big bang then you have to wonder where did the heavy elements and stars come from in the first place and why did they explode and how come no explosions ever in the history of mankind have ever created something that they only destroy.
creation of fossils are extremely rare and form best underwater ergo to the flood.
going Evolution natural selection implies intelligence.
entropy states that we're going to a state of disorder which means that we were once put together neatly.
that is entirely opposite of the belief of evolution. the laws of nature prove evolution is a lie.
many of your prominent atheists have begun to admit that it seems we may have been put here by aliens because that the only intelligent source they can admit to.
mutations are obviously bad.
take a complex computer program for example like our DNA and just keep removing and scrambling the binary and see how many programs you have that still work.
Dawkins admitted intelligent design to Ben stein (2mins)
https://youtu.be/BoncJBrrdQ8 Micro machines prove intelligent design. (3mins)