>>12615907I keep it saved out of easyness, I like to svroll through multiple images before I cum, something most online galeries donut provide
>unlikelyit's a reflex, I can't help the fight or flight response
>ghost lookbut me proposing cosplay to my gf is too far? hipocrates (I'm obviously joking)
>don't live with thembut I do live with them
>never saw grandmaboth of my biological granpas died before I was born, so did my brother
>pathethicanon... people that give them money aren't poor; it's better they spend their money on providing an entertainer with a job they like than on drugs and hookers
and if they have money it's not a stretch that they can get a gf
>you get something from a prostituteyou get a blabd orgasm that lives you with a sour taste for life
you can't just keep lying in the same bed and cuddle after you two finnish, it's a very fancy and expensive jerkoff that doesn't provide the emotional support such an act needs
by paying vtubers you aren't paying for what you're not getting, you get what you pay for and you feel better for donating to them because it feels good to help
>stupidest excusesmaybe you just have too high standards? you can't base a relationship on talks alone, there are many active factors and age is definitively one of them
maybe you just don't have patience for a girl to come out of her shell for you... it takes a bitch long time, a year of courting is not enough I reckon
truth is they prolly act that way because they don't trust you to show they realself so they act as shallow bimbos only to have you throw them away shallowly
you want quick goods- admit it, you want fast food except in format of a girlfriend, the one you'll just click after a month and everything will be smooth sail
I don't blame you, everybody wants that, I wanted it, but it's not realistic
>this weekI'll tell you when it happens