>>3254685Okay let me lay down some shit that people who unironically censor the word whites and Christians wont accept.
>Egypt starts middle-eastern brown>Has lots of wars with Nubia, further dividing their political separation from the blacks>Persia arises and takes over Egypt>Egypt revolts>Persia beats down Egyptian Revolt>Persians so mad at them that they end out making an example of Egypt and treat the whole population as slaves>Macedonia Arises>Macedonia, beats the living shit out of Persia>They free Egypt>Egyptians live under Macedonian rule for a while>Alexander The Great dies>Alexander was shit at forethought so he had no inheritance plan for his big ass empire>His generals split the lands he conquered among themselves>One takes Egypt>He is revered as a hero among The Egyptians and creates a Dynasty that has all the Pharaohs people give a shit about>Greek Pharaohs rule for a long time until Rome takes over and Egyptian Traditional Government ends>The death of Christ occurs>One of The Disciples goes to Egypt and founds Coptic Christianity>Muhammad founds Islam>Takes over Egypt and much of North Africa>Christian populations are oppressed with high faith taxes and are prevented from doing some religious customs>Egypt converts to Islam after it turns out The Crusades couldn't save them>British take over Egypt in The Colonial rush>Mainstream information about Egypt is brought to The West>Slave-Descended Africans see info about Egypt>Aren't educated enough to know that Egypt is East-African and no slave descend from them because US slaves are West African>Claim that Egypt is black because Africans are black>History Books end out changing their cartoon depictions of Egyptians to be black instead of brown to fit mainstream thought>Generations of kids are taught that their ancestors were ancient civilization builders>Reality knocks on their door in the form of actual studies>Blacks get insulted and double down on their beliefs>WE