>>12831403You do not need to body build.
Yes stay off squats if you like but a man is capable so you must stay fit. Does not have to be peak fitness 365 days a year, year in year out but you can’t allow yourself to be a bag of shit now in the most dangerous hour mankind has ever faced since the great flood that wiped out the dinosaurs.
Also, if you want to be lazy you must be handsome and have blue eyes. I get a pass on body building because chicks hyperventilate and squeal when i smile at them already I don’t need to do squat(s).
I don’t blame women, I get euphoric every time i look in a mirror.
I just wanted to play this song as thread theme, that whole convoluted BS was because I just heard this song by Killing Jo for the first time earlier today and thought it was neato. It would be a good tune to do cardio too. 1,000 push ups in 90 minutes is comfy. No joke/larp. If you cant do 100 push ups you NEED to train until you can do the 1000 in 90. Takes about 3 months from blob to mastering this. I’m pretty old, I've got in shape lots of times and let it go lots of times. If i can do this at nearly 100 years old you can do it at like 13 w/e age young people are these days.