>>18380664>ghosting and lack of communication... Only because womemes have become flakey as fuck in 2023 for any non-Chad, average male. See >437630338
They lie and falsely claim that "guys have high standards", which is both gaslighting and projection. Non-Chad men basically don't exist for roasties, and for them the major thing wrong with online dating isn't that they're ignoring 80% of men but that there aren't enough top 20% of men to go around to fuck every single roastie whore, even with literal fucking harems/"rotations" being formed by Chad assholes.
The average roastie whore's sense of entitlement is through the roof and they're in for a rude awakening as a single mom or cat mom in their mid-late 30's.
Roastie whores live in eternal FOMO mode and can't help but sleep around/take a sample of Chad's cock whenever the opportunity presents itself (while blaming their partners for getting cheated on, lol). It's why 80% of divorce-rapes are initiated by whores too.
If these kiked-up apps would penalize users for ghosting behaviour it would change things up somewhat, but then all the entitled roasties left on there would leave and so would the thirsty men in turn. Tinder was invented by a kike mind you