The Sumerian texts, all older than the biblical Genesis for millennia, relate that Enki loved his human children, opposed the tyranny of his malevolent father Anu, placed the Man (Adapa = Adam) in his Eridu Shrine on earth of Edín (the Sumerian Eden) and like theUshumgal(Great Serpent) of the celestial wisdom granted him the Science of the Gods and revealed to him the Design of Heaven, all against the will of the dictator Anu.Then Enki himself, our noble defender, would rebel against his wicked father again and save the Man from the deadly flood Anu had sent for the annihilation of Humanity.
We see the same story in the later Greek Promethean account according to which Prometheus, the true maker of our race, gives Man the Illuminating Fire of Heaven against the will of the malevolent Titans and then saves his human creation from the flood with his ark
Enki-Ea-Ptah-Prometheus is the original creator god and the true benefactor of the Human Race.
Enki and his great heavenly companions such as the great Marduk, Ningishzidda, Ninhursag and Nabu, the serpentine faction of the Anunnaki, were the divine lords of the legendary Golden Age antediluvian and then found the Civilization of Babel, establish the schools of the mysteries and they would reveal to their human children the secrets of heaven.
In the luminous eras of yesteryear our gods walked the Earth with men and taught them the Science of the Serpent and the Promethean Fire, the power of the sacred Kundalini that rises up within us and leads us to divinity and
immortality.In short, our authentic gods taught us the spiritual techniques of heaven to accelerate our natural evolution and become gods.
However, unfortunately the era of our Enkite Gods would come to an end with the sudden invasion of our planet by the malevolent extraterrestrial gods of Anu-Yahweh and the banishment of our benevolent ancestral gods some 4000 years ago and the subsequent arrival of the Age of Darkness