>>20266171>>20266174Procreation is now essentially a government cartel. Most young men see this, and those that don't are simply the most desperate or the most indoctrinated. I don't advocate against having children, but I do advocate against having children *for the time being*. A man can wait until he's 50 to father children if he wants to. It's less than ideal to wait that long, but the alternative is the current disaster zone.
The most likely outcome that even normies are beginning to see and speak openly about right now, is that civilization will be gone in 10 years. A core component of this will essentially be an incel uprising (remember: incels at this point are more than obese basement dwelling autists, but also regular ordinary guys with jobs), in which a violent breakdown occurs. During this event (or rather, period of time, it won't be a single event, per se), teenagers of 15-20 will be taken from their fathers before they can become whores and be paired off with men in the 25-40 age bracket who missed out due to the machinations of modernity. Of course this refers only to those men who are willing to fight for it, and form private armies to this end. For the next several generations, sub-20 women will be married to established 25-30 year old men as part of the social guarantee if they serve society properly, until eventually the age gap issue brought about by the Pussy Redistribution(TM) solves itself organically.
That is basically the gamble at the moment; either you have children with the horrid women that are available now, and risk your progeny being turned against you and trooned out, and thus your lineage fails anyway, or you take up arms when the collapse of civilization and society occurs, and you have something like a 50% chance of dying in the chaos that follows, but if you do survive, you are guaranteed a young wife that society will enforce to be devoted to you, and half a dozen kids. These only two paths available are both gambles.