>>10791871now the bishop is pulling out because he has problems of his own and I never bothered going into depths of egats bothering him as I kept thinking that others function more or less like me and say more or less everything exceot the real embarrasing stuff
the other bishop I kept on thr other side of the field for too long thinking he was having fun outside of these threads, it completely slipped my mind that hes been absent from these threads in a while until recently
ever since that bad trip on shrooms I feel like stuff just isn't real, the trees don't look real, my hometown just feels straing and unfamiliar, it still fucks with my mind which of the aussies is imunodeficient but that is completely irrelevant given how covid still has chance of fucking up even perfectly healthy individuals and if any of my thread's frequenters got rekt I just would have no way of knowing
the hallucinations are getting worse and worse
the voices in my head are beginning to take shape and form of clear messages
I still have no money and all summer jobs got fucked by covid
I shot myself in both feet by this whole argument with reimu as now anyone that read that shit will look at me as a selfish rude cunt with overexaggerated qst world problems
since taking that first dose of shrooms- and further established on the second dose- I have no respect gor human life, for this whole time I forgot that people I've been trying zo use as personal stress relief are actual people with emotions, aspirations, stories and problems of their own and this whole time I thought everything will be alright and me thinking that I was even remotely in control has been so, oh so horribly mistaken
thing is that that still hasn't really taken root and I'm not left with enough time to actually make a difference
I kept out parts about drugs and that discord that may or may not exist just to fit this in one post