>>7109800Asian women are only ok if they are not westernized or have not grown up in America. I would also personally avoid Japanese and Korean women because many of them have already been infected with feminism. Chinese women are also fucked up, not because of feminism but because of extreme greed and cultural problems.
Jungle goblins such as Thais and Filthy Flips are based af though. I have had SEVERAL different Thais tell me about their disappointment with America for not GENOCIDING all muslims. In their view, they told me that they would do it themselves but they are a weak country without nuclear waepons or strong army, but America actually has the means to to do this but for some reason won't. They don't understand why anyone with our power would not get rid of muslims.
A different group of Thais I was hanging out with commented on a homosexual western couple kissing in public, and said this is why your culture is going to die, because there is no one around to beat them to death. These statements might sound hypocritical coming from Thais, where there is all kinds of public debauchery, but keep in mind the Thais that engage in such things are literally at the bottom of society and any decent Thai family would gladly beat their own child to death if they acted that way.
I know some Flips and Thais here in the US and they all love Trump, hate the left, deny the holocaust, and basically want the day of the rope to happen.