>>18863744>You've heard it from the people.>The masses are asking for Jade Thorn to be back into the WWA.>But, will the former Megastar and mother of 7 receive the justice these fans are asking for?>That's in the hands of the auditors...or in the hands of the winner of the Dogfight.>Youcanbuythepayperviewforonlynineninetynineatdubyadubyaadotcom>This has been Paule B. Coupe for dailypasta.comPaule looked at the camera man with puppy eyes:
>Can I leave now? I need to train. Blue hands is gonna kill me.>No, no, no, we need some dissenting opinions. And some better shots of the building. Cmon Paule, remember this is your real job. Not wrestling.Paule followed her coworker looked down and mumbled to herself.
>Wrestling is more fun.